Lightning! You Either Have It or You Don't

In 1752, Benjamin Franklin tested, and subsequently, created the first lightning rod mechanism for protection from lightning.

Researchers have known for some time that climate change was producing more lightning strikes per year. Climate research has found that lightning strikes would increase by about 12% for every 1C of warming.
Today in 21st century the lightning rod has been perfected to the point that all but guarantees that no damage will result in being struck by lightning.
We can now protect valuable and sentimental building and structures, even trees from being destroyed by lightning strikes resulting in fires.

Best Lightning Prevention Systems Texas

We Design, Install, and Service Residential Lightning Rod Systems All Over the State of Texas

How Does Lightning Work?

During a thunderstorm, negative static build up in the air and create thunder. In a home, electronics and appliances in use are constantly building up positive static that lingers on, in, and around the home.

These two charges begin pulling at each other and if they connect, lightning forms and strikes.

 Within milliseconds, the lightning follows the path of least resistance to the ground which is usually the electrical system or the gas line.

If it does ground itself through the gas line, which happens all to often in Texas, the possibility of a fire is very high.

How Does a Lightning Protection System Work?

View LPS
Lightning protection is designed to drain those positive charges off of the home, lessening your chance of taking a strike.
If the inevitable happens and lightning strikes, its scientifically proven to be the path of least resistance and the most effective defense against lightning. Doctor Boom Lightning Protection Solutions, LPS, include these components:
  •    Lightning Rods (air terminals): Installed on Peaks, Pipes, Dormers, Chimneys, etc.
  •    Conductor Cables: Installed to Connect All Air Terminals Together
  •    Grounding Rods: A Series of Grounding Rods Buried 10ft Deep Interconnected by Conductor Cables.
diagram residential lightning protection system

The lightning rods are placed at the most vulnerable places on the roof. Connecting each of the lightning rods together is the conductor cable.

The conductor cable is brought down to at least two different places to a grounding rod. The ground rod is buried minimum of ten feet deep and connected with a clamp.

The material is either copper, aluminum, or a combination of both depending on the type of structure and budget.

We Install Lightning Rods San Antonio
We Install Lightning Rods In Texas
We Install Lightning Rods Dallas
Protect Your Home From Lightning Strikes
We Install Lightning Rods Houston
Install Lightning Prevention Systems
We Install Lightning Rods Austin
Protect Your Home From Lightning
We Install Lightning Rods Corpus Christi
Lightning Protection Solutions
We Install Lightning Rods Corpus Christi
Lightning Rod Installation

Doctor Boom Can Help You

You Never Know When Its Going Be Your Turn. Our Team of Professionals Are Ready to Install the Affordable Protection You Need

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